We believe it is of most importance to instil a strong message of preventative dental care with our children from a young age to minimise any fear associated with coming to the dentist and to maintain optimal dental health. The research continues to grow linking dental health with significant health concerns such as heart disease.
Adentica has recently introduced a "No out of Pocket" policy for children's preventative dental care (checkup, clean and fluoride) for those children with private health insurance.
We continue to offer discounted prices for children with no private health insurance and bulk bill all children eligible under the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme.
We also remain committed to education of young children through our Fairy Dentist visits to local Kindergartens and Early Learning Centres. During these visits our Fairy Dentist, Dr Kimberly Johnson and Sara Dent, Practice Manager present to the children and provide a "dentist goody bag" encouraging the children to go home and be "The Dentist" in their house that evening. These are fun sessions and provide at no charge.